At South Pennine Academies, we want every student to have the best possible chance to
achieve in school. Stronger partnerships with families, local businesses, community
agencies and universities are essential as we focus on improving student outcomes.
We focus on the basic skills of mathematics as the foundation for all our learning.
Here at Willowpark, we embrace the belief that all children can succeed in Mathematics. In our school, Mathematics is taught daily using the White Rose Maths scheme as a basis for our learning. Children access a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving tasks to embed their learning over time, in a variety of mathematical concepts, sequenced in a logical order.
When necessary, we adapt the scheme to suit the needs of our children.
Alongside this, our children have very regular opportunities to develop their ability to recall basic, but vital, mathematical facts. These include, but are not limited to: age appropriate number bonds, multiplication tables and regular practise of the four calculations in arithmetic sessions. We believe these basic skills are the key for success in Mathematics, as children progress through the key stages in our school and beyond.
As a staff team, we believe it is essential for children at Willowpark to:
Gain enjoyment from mastering basic concepts in Mathematics, leading to increased automaticity, confidence and proficiency.
Develop an understanding that maths is useful in their everyday life and will continue to be so into adulthood.
Benefit from a sequence of learning that is systematic and clear.
Make links between mathematical concepts, knowing when a previously taught topic is helping at that time.
Apply their knowledge of basic maths facts and arithmetic to more complex reasoning and problem solving tasks.
Be fluent in all multiplication tables in Key Stage 2, making accessing particular concepts easier.
Be intrinsically motivated to succeed in mathematics, due to solid foundations.
Have the opportunity to succeed and celebrate achievements in maths in a variety of ways.
Please see information/documentation below for more detail.